We are a non-profit organization, registered under IRS 501(c)(3), authorized to operate the Apprenticeship Program under the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) and following the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology (BBC) regulations.
Our committee is integrated by members of the Beauty Industry, including employers, apprentices, professionals and other individuals interested in helping and bringing training and study opportunities to minorities who want to integrate into the Beauty Industry, Barbering or Cosmetology.
Apprentices can work on a beauty salon, receiving compensation under all law regulations, and are granted an apprentice license from the State of California.
Our organization works through contributions, which come from employers, students, sponsors and voluntary contributions.
All funds are invested on educational resources and materials that comply with the most recent state laws and regulations

Has transformed the lives of our members by working together with employers, trainers and apprentices.
If you have an establishment that offers beauty services, you can contribute by having licensed apprentices working full time for you, paying them a salary or commission for up to 40 hours a week. Apprentices have a license for two years from the issue date.
Apprentices need someone to train them, who has experience and deep knowledge of their craft. In order to be an apprentice, it is required that you have a licensed trainer, who will be responsible for your metamorphosis into a master in your profession.
All apprentices under the Cosmetica Cosmetology and Barbering Unilateral Committee must:
Have a registered trainer.
Have a certified establishment to work in.
Have an active Apprentice license.
This allows the Apprentice to train at the establishment, and earn a salary with all the perks and benefits that the law allows.

In most every business, you learn by doing. The apprenticeship model is much more effective than the classroom for cultivating entrepreneurs.